
    broken image
  • At some point, the world began to drift away

    在某一天, 开始和世界变得疏离





    Xiangzhan Liao

    Oil on Canvas

    120 x 80 cm

    Contact for price


    Xiangzhan Liao



    Work Statement:



    In the six months since I left the campus and started to step into the society, what happened around me and what I experienced seemed to be very different from what I had imagined in the past. Is the passive alienation from the objective world in which I live or from the spiritual ocean in which I used to wander? The relationship between the two is extremely ambiguous.





    Artist Bio:


    The frames are like journals for me, and the painting is a way to keep track of my broken thoughts.






    Xiangzhan Liao/廖湘展, b.1997, China




    Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts (M.A.)


    上海美术学院 (硕士)






    2023年,2023第四届大学生艺术博览会(武汉); 武汉国际会展中心 武汉

    2023年,油罐玩家艺术节艺术超市单元板块;上海油罐艺术中心 上海

    2023年,美院青年艺博会;上海油罐艺术中心 上海

    2023年,晴天艺术计划“天问超能力”;静安青年中心 上海

    2022年,启航 方舟画廊 南京

    2022年,向度之境——2022青年油画家作品展;浙江当代油画院 杭州

    2022年,2022上海油画展;程十发美术馆 上海

    2022年,师道——上海大学上海美术学院具象实验工作室师生交流展;周浦美术馆 上海


    2021年,入围“明日视线展Hyper Youth Award”

    2021年,第五届吉林省油画双年展;吉林美术馆 吉林

    2021年,第二届大学生艺术博览会(武汉);武汉国际会展中心 武汉

    2020年,2020上海油画作品展;中华艺术宫 上海

    2019年,湖州市第八届南太湖艺术节水彩粉画大展;湖州美术馆 湖州

    2019年,2019“粉画艺术(中国)年度展”;明·美术馆 江苏


    2023, 2023 The 4th Student Art Fair (Wuhan); Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center Wuhan

    2023, Tank Players Art Festival Art Supermarket Unit Plate; Tank Shanghai Art Center

    2023, Art Academy Youth Art Fair; Tank Shanghai Art Center

    2023, "Heavenly Superpowers", Sunny Day Art Project; Jing'an Youth Center, Shanghai

    2022, Sailing Ark Gallery, Nanjing

    2022, The Realm of Reorientation - 2022 Young Oil Painters Exhibition; Zhejiang Contemporary Oil Painting Institute, Hangzhou, China

    2022, 2022 Shanghai Oil Painting Exhibition; Cheng Shifa Art Museum Shanghai

    2022, The Way of the Teacher--Exchange Exhibition of Teachers and Students of Figurative Experimental Studio of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University; Zhoupu Art Museum Shanghai

    2022, Finalist of Artron Art - "One Million Young Artists Support" Group Exhibition

    2021, Finalist of "Hyper Youth Award", Tomorrow's Vision Exhibition

    2021, The Fifth Jilin Oil Painting Biennale; Jilin Art Museum, Jilin, China

    2021, The Second Student Art Fair (Wuhan); Wuhan International Convention and Exhibition Center, Wuhan, China

    2020, 2020 Shanghai Oil Painting Exhibition; China Art Palace Shanghai

    2019, The 8th South Taihu Lake Art Festival Watercolor and Pastel Painting Exhibition in Huzhou City; Huzhou Art Museum Huzhou

    2019, 2019 "Pastel Art (China) Annual Exhibition"; Ming - Art Museum Jiangsu






    Absent Gallery 闲聊



    Absent Gallery:

    How would you describe your creation?





    I am more concerned with the relationship between people and society at the present time. The Ideal State series that I am currently working on was started in my last year of graduate school. The first work in this series is called "Product Shedding", which means the unreal world. The world in people's opinions is different, but we live in the same objective world. Different worldviews create different worlds, and what kind of world do I recognize? I have been thinking about this question for more than half a year since I graduated. When I was young, grown-ups used to say: you will understand when you grow up; you will understand when you enter the society. From the identity change of campus students to social people, it is undeniable that there is a change in the viewpoint of things, and this series of works is a reflection of the inner self at this time.



    Absent Gallery:

    What factors have influenced your creation?






    Music and the things I experience in life.



    Absent Gallery:

    What are your upcoming plans or expectations for the artwork?






    My plan for this year is to organize a solo exhibition. The "Ideal State" series will continue, and I look forward to the work becoming more mature.


    Absent Gallery:

    Please use one word to describe "Prelude". or describe in one word how you feel about "Prelude".

    请用一个词汇描述“序幕”或者 用一个词汇描述对“序幕”的感受/想法。








    broken image


