
    broken image
  • Conciliation




    Zishan Zhang

    Oil on Paper

    55 x 40 cm

    Contact for price


    Zishan Zhang



    Work Statement:


    Light and shadow are born together, and the floating life is not yet rested. Those corners that are not cared for by the sunlight, evil is always hard to be detected, but it always exists. The same is true for bullying in schools, which is often overlooked but thrives unchecked. This is a series of images I designed based on the theme of bullying in schools, using my past experiences as a blueprint and the structure of a drama script as the direction of the series: "Trigger" - Glance, "Struggle" - Scale, "Conflict" - Escape, "Resolution" - Reconciliation. I hope to reduce the colors to express the suppression and struggle of the bully's heart, with black, white and green as the main colors, and cactus as the connecting element, whose flower's word "strong and warm" matches with my attitude of embracing suffering in my paintings and attitude towards life. I hope that my courage to open the wound can draw more people's attention to bullying in schools.


    光影相生,浮生未歇。那些不被阳光在意的角落,恶总难以被察觉,却一直存在着。校园霸凌亦是如此,常常被忽略却肆意孳生。这是本人以校园霸凌为题材设计的画面,以过去经历为蓝本,借戏剧剧本结构作为系列走向:「触发」—一目 、 「挣扎」—天平、「冲突」—逃离、「解决」—和解。我希望通过减少色彩表达被霸凌者内心的压抑与挣扎,黑白绿为主色调,仙人掌为联结画面的元素,其花语“坚强温暖”与我拥抱苦难的绘画态度和人生态度相符。愿我剖开伤口的勇气能够引起更多人对校园霸凌的关注。



    Artist Bio:



    Creative tendencies explore love and sociality.





    Zishan Zhang/张紫珊 b.1997, China




    M.F.A Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts












    “亲子关系”题材装置作品《织言织语》,创作者,小海燕剧场(2024 年)






    Absent Gallery 闲聊



    Absent Gallery:

    How would you describe your creation?





    我的创作不受形式和媒介的约束,目前涉猎的范畴有架上绘画、装置、戏剧等等。在此难以逐一细说,但人文关怀是我深刻的艺术追求。我希望充当“海螺”的角色, “倾听”人们的心声,并与之“共鸣”、“共情”。

    My creations tend to explore love and sociality, focusing on individual behavior and social interaction. I believe that an artist's eyes should be used to "see", to see people, to see love, to see warmth, to see suffering ...... "Seeing is the deepest love"; an artist's hands should be used to "create", to create a dialogue between life and life, to create the flow of love ...... to create a way for human beings to explore and understand human beings. The artist's hands should be used to "create", to create the dialog between life and life, to create the flow of love ...... to create art that allows human beings to explore human beings and human beings to understand human beings.


    My creations are not bound by forms and media, and I am currently involved in easel paintings, installations, theater, and so on. It is difficult to describe each and every one of them here, but humanistic concern is my profound artistic pursuit. I hope to act as a "conch", "listen" to people's voices, and "resonate" and "empathize" with them. I want to "listen" to people's voices and "empathize" and "sympathize" with them.



    Absent Gallery:

    What factors have influenced your creation?








    My creative motivation often comes from a deep inward exploration, while the process is constantly extended outward. The significance of inward exploration is to find the "society in the self", to explore the projection and microcosm of society in one's behavior. The significance of outward exploration is to find the "self in the society", to explore the common experience of life with the viewers.


    I always wonder, "What can we bring to society in our lives?" "How can art give voice to mankind when the space for contemporary discourse is compressed?" I hope that my art works are able to throw out bricks and jade, and to touch people with feelings. Thinking is the first step in my art creation.


    When I have an idea in my mind, I will try to explore as much material as possible about the subject, such as literature, theater, music, topics, etc., and have a "conversation" with creators in the field. Poetry and theater have had the greatest impact on me; poetry has chiseled my brain and theater has stretched my limbs. I've always been in the habit of writing poetry and acting, and I've pursued the poetic and dramatic in my work.


    My creations are often related to people, so the research of related groups is also essential. Digging out as many and as deep as possible "stories" is an important foundation for my artistic creation. I see myself as a storyteller, but I tell stories through art.




    Absent Gallery:

    What are your upcoming plans or expectations for the artwork?





    In the future, I will continue to deepen my exploration of the relationship between the individual and society, and present my creative perspective more comprehensively through different art forms and media. At the same time, I hope to participate in more social research and gain a deeper understanding of the lives of various groups in order to enrich the cultural connotation and social relevance of my works. In addition, I plan to cooperate with artists and cultural workers in other fields to carry out cross-boundary projects to broaden my creative thinking and create more diversified artistic experiences.


    Absent Gallery:

    Please use one word to describe "Prelude". or describe in one word how you feel about "Prelude".

    请用一个词汇描述“序幕”或者 用一个词汇描述对“序幕”的感受/想法。








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