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  • Dreaming Image - Floating

    造梦像 - 浮







    Lixian Wu

    Oil on canvas

    110 x 140 cm

    Contact for price


    Lixian Wu



    Work Statement:



    The concept of the "vortex element" in the "Dreaming Image" series of works






    Most of the artworks named after the "Dreaming Image" series start from one's intuitive experience or subconsciousness, reconstructing fragmented images of daily life, news, events, etc. that occur in different times and spaces, abstracting the narrative logic and clear direction of the original images, and incorporating into the images the emotions of confusion and loss that individuals feel as they exist in a collective environment, in an attempt to create a reality that transcends facts and expresses the individual's sense of doubt toward the certainty and logic of existence. It attempts to create a kind of reality beyond the facts, and expresses the individual's skepticism towards the certainty and logic of existence.

    Take the creation of the vortex element as an example, and characterize my creative thinking. The society we live in now, this earth, is like a huge vortex in a way. Vortex, literally gives people a kind of hazardous and terrifying image, which makes people afraid, but at the same time, we should recognize the other side of the vortex, that is, the water formed by the collection of the vortex is actually a kind of powerful force of water, and the force contains potential energy, the so-called "water can carry a boat, but also can overturn a boat", when we are able to recognize the energy contained in the vortex, we should not be afraid of it. Instead, when we could be conscious and manage the power of the vortex of water, we could be able to get the energy of " living " from it. This may be a form of self-healing.

    These works were created out of my personal and very intimate perceptions of the world and society as a whole. I am fascinated by the form of the water and the light spots in the vortex state, when we look at the center of the vortex, the visual perception flows from the inside to the outside, but it also produces a sense of vertigo from the outside to the inside, I like to create such illusions in the painting, irrational juxtapositions, contrasts between the big scene and the small objects, and switches between the real and the unreal.




    Artist Bio:


    In fact, I don't have much to say about in my own words, because sometimes words don't work everywhere. I prefer that the images of my works are enough to give the viewer what he or she needs or doesn't need.






    Lixian Wu / 伍丽娴, b.1993, China




    China, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts, 2012-2016

    China, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Fine Arts Master's Degree, 2019-2023


    中国,广州美术学院,美术学 学士学位,2012-2016年

    中国,广州美术学院,美术学 硕士学位,2019-2023年





    About Being Alone ▏Wu Lixian Solo Exhibition, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Oil Painting Department Gallery, Guangzhou, July 2022


    关于独处 ▏伍丽娴个展,广州美术学院油画系展厅,广州,2022年7月


  • Absent Gallery 闲聊



    Absent Gallery:

    How would you describe your creation?





    My creations are mainly focused on easel paintings, and in the past works before 2023, elements such as flames, horses, monkeys, dogs, cats, women's bodies, band-aids, high-heeled shoes, lipsticks, babies, ceramic objects, and vortexes are the key images in my creations, most of which have an extremely close contact relationship with us, but some of them belong to a kind of cold characteristic images. Through the use of high-intensity contrasts of light and dark or high purity contrasts of cold and warm or gray and cold tones in color, I try to appropriate and combine them into a tiny theater of non-reality in composition, to create a visual intensity with a strange conflict of fantasy, to highlight a kind of hidden, uncertain and alienated psychology, and to try to explore the relationship between people and nature, people and society, and people and the self.



    Absent Gallery:

    What factors have influenced your creation?






    My artistic creations are largely inspired by my surroundings, focusing mainly on the intuitive instinctive perceptions of the individual in a collective relationship; my creative techniques are mainly influenced by surrealism.



    Absent Gallery:

    What are your upcoming plans or expectations for the artwork?





    Personally, I think the works before 2023 can come to an end. In the next creation, I would like to conduct artistic investigation and research on what I see and hear around me in the form of a project, and try out a wider variety of ways in terms of the medium of expression to expand more possibilities.


    Absent Gallery:

    Please use one word to describe "Prelude". or describe in one word how you feel about "Prelude".

    请用一个词汇描述“序幕”或者 用一个词汇描述对“序幕”的感受/想法。




    Departure. I think the name of this exhibition, "Prelude", is a perfect timing for me, because, as I just said, presenting some of the works of 2023 is not only a way to look back at the past creations at the beginning of the new year of 2024 as a kind of summary of the past, but also an outlook for the new year. I look forward to opening up new dimensions in my art creation and gathering courage to start again!



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