
    broken image
  • Germinate






    Jue Hu

    Mixed media (Photography and knife engraving on paper, oil painting, colored pencil)

    30 x 40 cm

    Contact for price


    Jue Hu



    Work Statement:



    Human beings are the creations of the natural society, and when they are separated from the context of the larger society, they are no longer vivid individuals. I have spent more than four years observing and photographing the people and events around me in this series of works. When I see people moving around in abandoned houses, I feel a kind of multiple spatial dialogues in which the past, the present and the future are intertwined. For this reason, I want to break the inviolability of the established rules through the re-creation of my photographs, so as to further explore the relationship between the individual and the society, as well as the confusion of the individual in the social context. I take human beings and abandoned houses, animal bones, teeth, pieces of ancient porcelain, etc. as my creative elements. When I put these elements together, something interesting happens, they collide and dialog with each other, producing a certain discourse with a sense of the future. Taking reality as the background reference, after several superimposed creations of the works, while breaking the boundaries of photography, painting and installation, I reassemble the three together in order to achieve a harmonious unity. This way of creation is a projection of reflection and questioning of the perfect relationship of the present, and it is also a re-examination of the multiple spatial relationships between history, culture, society, and the material and spiritual of the world in which human beings live, so as to make it have more possibilities.




    Jue Hu / 胡觉, b.1985, China




    B.F.A. from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts Oil Painting Department








    2016年 何处栖居 北京798桥舍画廊 北京798

    2015年 《灵域景观》双个展 北京798上舍空间 北京798

    2014年 胡觉个展 北京798晨画廊 北京798

    2013年 法国胡觉个展 法国双十字画廊 法国

    2013年 胡觉个展 《静思》 北京798

    2011年 胡觉个展《空灵》 北京洋红画廊 北京宋庄



    2023年 “涂不拾遗”现代艺术国际邀请站 江西

    2023年 新江南展--江苏BFM艺术中心 江苏

    2023年 罗马2023年春季艺术博览会 意大利

    2022年 威尼斯国际博览会 意大利

    2022年 《超临界态》 英国

    2022年 关于《界限》的个案研究 福建

    2021年 《不忘来时路》 南昌美术馆

    2021年 《纸上.至上》 北京宋庄

    2018年 《有光x物游初醒》青年艺术季 北京

    2018年 猎质当代艺术双年展(株海、重庆、郑州站)

    2017年 《纯粹巧合》清华大学美术学院 北京

    2017年 《隐而未现·第六届上海多伦青年美术展》上海多伦青年美术馆 上海

    2017年 《左西右东》 上海金融中心

    2017年 《中国艺术联展》 中国雕塑馆 山西

    2017年 丽水摄影节 丽水玻璃厂 丽水

    2015年 巴塞罗那国际艺术博览会 西班牙

    2014年 《乌合群展》上海南岸美术馆

    2014年 亚洲青年展 北京798

    2014年 当代视觉展 北京宋庄

    2014年 南京国际艺术展 南京

    2014年 保利新实力展 北京

    2013年 绝圣弃智联展 北京

    2013年 北京迷你艺术联展 北京 宋庄

    2013年 杭州艺术博览会 杭州

    2013年 青年艺术展杭州 杭州

    2012年 广州艺术博览会 广州

    2011年 《80后艺术档案》 北京 宋庄

    2011年 出版北京商报 《中国当代艺术周刊》

    2011年 合艺巡展 北京《国贸》

    2011年 韩国画展 韩国

    2011年 年春寒 北京《龙德轩画廊》

    2011年 中国五四青年展 北京

    2010年 油画被乌利·希克收藏

    2009年 “主场” 798(北京白盒子艺术馆)





    Absent Gallery 闲聊



    Absent Gallery:

    How would you describe your creation?





    Human beings are the creations of the natural society, and when they are separated from the context of the larger society, they are no longer vivid individuals. I have spent more than four years observing and photographing the people and events around me in this series of works. When I see people moving around in abandoned houses, I feel a kind of multiple spatial dialogues in which the past, the present and the future are intertwined. For this reason, I want to break the inviolability of the established rules through the re-creation of my photographs, so as to further explore the relationship between the individual and the society, as well as the confusion of the individual in the social context. I take human beings and abandoned houses, animal bones, teeth, pieces of ancient porcelain, etc. as my creative elements. When I put these elements together, something interesting happens, they collide and dialog with each other, producing a certain discourse with a sense of the future. Taking reality as the background reference, after several superimposed creations of the works, while breaking the boundaries of photography, painting and installation, I reassemble the three together in order to achieve a harmonious unity. This way of creation is a projection of reflection and questioning of the perfect relationship of the present, and it is also a re-examination of the multiple spatial relationships between history, culture, society, and the material and spiritual of the world in which human beings live, so as to make it have more possibilities.




    Absent Gallery:

    What factors have influenced your creation?






    First of all, I am always curious about things in nature, especially animals in the forest, bugs, trees, rivers, stones, etc. Each of them is full of vitality and possibilities. Another thing is the stuff that happened in my life, such as the demolished school, the old house, the recently dead animals, the abandoned industrial plant, etc. All these are the factors that influence my creation.



    Absent Gallery:

    What are your upcoming plans or expectations for the artwork?





    I'm planning to hold a solo exhibition to show the works I've been thinking about lately. I hope that my work can say something about the problems that exist in society but no one understands or thinks about them.


    Absent Gallery:

    Please use one word to describe "Prelude". or describe in one word how you feel about "Prelude".

    请用一个词汇描述“序幕”或者 用一个词汇描述对“序幕”的感受/想法。




    The prelude is both the end and the beginning. Like the relationship between man and society, human life is limited, but the development of human society never ends.


    broken image


    JUE HU
