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  • If Not Here, Where






    Chelsea Ning


    Contact for price


    Chelsea Ning



    Work Statement:



    ‘If not here, where’ 13x19 inches, 2023 is a series trying to address ideas on identities and distant memories through reflections on identifiable objects and subjects. It talks about self, displacement and replacement within its subtle form.


    ‘If not here, where’, 3x19 英寸,2023 年,这个系列试图通过对可识别对象和主题的反思来探讨关于身份和遥远记忆的想法。它以微妙的形式讲述了自我、位移和替代。



    Artist Bio:


    Chelsea (Chuyuan)Ning(b.2001) is a multimedia artist currently based in Providence, Rhode Island. Studying at Rhode Island School of Design(BFA )majoring in textile design and photography, Chelsea is grappling with ideas on dissonance, self identity, replacement, displacement, isolation and nostalgia in her work. Chelsea has been interested in film installations, paintings, textiles, poetry and image based visual expressions. In recent years, Chelsea’s works have been featured on show in New York, Rome, London, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Providence.


    Chelsea Ning是一位目前在普罗维登斯生活和学习的多媒介艺术家。她来自深圳,中国。她在罗德岛设计学校学习纺织品设计和摄影专业(2019-2024)。Chelsea的作品和解离、身份、替代、错置和梦境相关。Chelsea一直对于电影装置、油画、纺织品和基于图像的媒介产生兴趣。过去两年,她的作品曾经在深圳,上海,纽约,伦敦,洛杉矶,罗马和普罗维登斯展出。




    Chelsea/ b.2001, China




    Rhode Island School of Design(BFA )majoring in textile design and photography








    Gelman Gallery, Rhode Island School of Design, 2022

    :iidrr Gallery, New York, 2023

    Sasse Museum, Los Angeles County, 2024






    Absent Gallery 闲聊



    Absent Gallery:

    How would you describe your creation?




    My creating process is more influenced by my surroundings, or the moment that I feel like I have a “spark”. Usually, I am inspired by my observations and artworks in different media. I will have an idea as a ground first, and then start to make plans on grappling with more factors and elements involved in my art practice. It’s like a “flow” that I would allow it to happen naturally.

    我的创作过程更多地受到周围环境的影响,或者是我感觉自己有 "火花 "的那一刻。通常,我的灵感来自于我的观察和不同媒介的艺术作品。我会先有一个想法作为基础,然后开始制定计划,在我的艺术实践中涉及更多的因素和元素。这就像一种 "流动",我会让它自然发生。



    Absent Gallery:

    What factors have influenced your creation?




    My creative workflow is affected, I ad, in multiple ways. One thing is my thoughts on different places and people that I have met. Last year, I went traveling to Europe. The differences between the U.S. and Europe offered me a great sense of what I could think about the way we live, the means we talk about. The space created in between these questions became motivations for me too. I have been thinking a lot about my identities and community that may share my thoughts. I look for a certain resonance wherever possible. I find it online most of the time.


    I sometimes enjoy digging into a question, without necessarily focusing on the “answer”. I also like to see films, paintings and objects that could be inspiring.






    有时,我喜欢探究一个问题,而不一定关注 "答案"。我还喜欢看电影、绘画和物品,它们可能会给我带来启发。



    Absent Gallery:

    What are your upcoming plans or expectations for the artwork?




    I am not sure : ) I hope that things go well.

    我不确定 :) 希望一切顺利。


    Absent Gallery:

    Please use one word to describe "Prelude". or describe in one word how you feel about "Prelude".

    请用一个词汇描述“序幕”或者 用一个词汇描述对“序幕”的感受/想法。









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