
    broken image
  • Mother's Wedding





    Yikai Bai

    Acrylic spray painting

    30 x 30 cm

    Contact for price


    Yikai Bai



    Work Statement:


    对于一位刚满 20 岁、事业有成、有房有车的母亲来说。她并没有选择继续这样悠闲的单身生活,而是匆忙地找了一个丈夫,并立即结了婚。因为在那个时代,女性独自在外生活是非常罕见的,似乎只有这样才能摆脱原来的家庭。


    For a mother who has just entered her 20s, has a successful career, and owns house. She did not choose to continue such a leisurely single life, but hurriedly found a husband and got married immediately. It was because in that era it was very uncommon for women to live alone outside the home, and the only way to escape from their original family seemed to be this way.



    Artist Bio:


    创伤是与实在界的遭遇,与实在的遭遇没有好坏之分。 我们遇到的一些不好的事情是创伤性的,而当我们遇到一些意外的好运时,也是创伤性的。 这一系列绘画借鉴了我对母亲的拉康式精神分析,解构了她的成长经历,挖掘了她的创伤和创伤事件的形成和发展,并讲述了这些问题如何演变为家庭关系和我的教育。 我母亲的成长经历和我的童年记忆,两条时间线奇妙地交织在一起,解构了创伤和爱,解释了很多人生选择背后的意义,关于我的原生家庭、婚姻甚至我的出生!


    Trauma is an encounter with the real, and there is no good or bad encounter with the real. Some of the bad things we encounter are traumatic, and when we encounter some unexpected good fortune, it is also traumatic. This series of paintings draws on my Lacanian psychoanalysis of my mother to deconstruct her upbringing and unearth the formation and development of her trauma and traumatic events, and narrate how these issues evolved into family relationships and my education. . My mother’s growth experience and my childhood memories, the two timelines are wonderfully intertwined and deconstructed of trauma and love, explaining the meaning behind many life choices, about my family of origin, marriage and even my birth!





    Yikai Bai / 白益恺, b.1999, China




    Goldsmiths, University of London, MA (Distinction), 2022-2023

    Shanghai Institute of Visual Arts, BA (First Class Honours), 2017-2021



    Other info


    Theme environment design, game planning, 3D art, moving image artist. Specializes in psychoanalysis and erotic economics.





  • Absent Gallery 闲聊



    Absent Gallery:

    How would you describe your creation?






    创伤是与实在界的遭遇,与实在的遭遇没有好坏之分。 我们遇到的一些不好的事情是创伤性的,而当我们遇到一些意外的好运时,也是创伤性的。 这一系列绘画借鉴了我对母亲的拉康式精神分析,解构了她的成长经历,挖掘了她的创伤和创伤事件的形成和发展,并讲述了这些问题如何演变为家庭关系和我的教育。 我母亲的成长经历和我的童年记忆,两条时间线奇妙地交织在一起,解构了创伤和爱,解释了很多人生选择背后的意义,关于我的原生家庭、婚姻甚至我的出生! 


    Trauma is an encounter with the real, and there is no good or bad encounter with the real. Some of the bad things we encounter are traumatic, and when we encounter some unexpected good fortune, it is also traumatic. This series of paintings draws on my Lacanian psychoanalysis of my mother to deconstruct her upbringing and unearth the formation and development of her trauma and traumatic events, and narrate how these issues evolved into family relationships and my education. . My mother’s growth experience and my childhood memories, the two timelines are wonderfully intertwined and deconstructed of trauma and love, explaining the meaning behind many life choices, about my family of origin, marriage and even my birth!



    Absent Gallery:

    What factors have influenced your creation?






    Inspired by years of daily conversations with my mother and the way she treats people, it all seemed so familiar until one moment it suddenly became strange to me, and I began to wonder what they were like before they became parents. Most of the material comes from old family albums, in which I was involved, but obviously not the person I now am. I try to use painting and psychoanalysis to bring in one light, warm and strange field. I use fragmented narratives to tell the ideological phantasmagoria of mine and my mother's that I have conceived.



    Absent Gallery:

    What are your upcoming plans or expectations for the artwork?




    这种方式的创作是第一次,之后还会以这种方式来解释我身边发生的种种。另外这一系列作品还在积极参加探讨身份政治,精神分析类型的moving image&film的展览和交流会中,也欢迎有此类兴趣的艺术家设计师和朋友们与我合作交流。


    This is the first time I have created something in this way, and I will use this approach to explain what is happening around me in the future. In addition, this series of works is also actively participating in moving image&film exhibitions and exchanges exploring identity politics and psychoanalysis, and I welcome artists, designers, and friends who are interested in this kind of interaction to collaborate and exchange ideas with me.



    Absent Gallery:

    Please use one word to describe "Prelude". or describe in one word how you feel about "Prelude".

    请用一个词汇描述“序幕”或者 用一个词汇描述对“序幕”的感受/想法。






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